Windows 10 Device/Credential Guard, when turned ON, does not allow VMware Workstation Pro to run properly. It simply throws an error as shown below.

Sample screenshot showing error
Below is a tested solution (with Windows 10 1803 and VMware Workstation Pro 14). Device/Credential Guard is disabled using: 1. GPO 2. DGReadiness Tool To disable the Device/Credential Guard via local group policy or AD Group Policy (if the client is domain joined): Click Start > “Run” or press Win Key + R and type” gpedit.msc ” to open the local group policy editor. For Domain joined machines, you have to launch Group Policy Management Console (gpmc.msc). 2. Locate the Group Policy which has the Device/Credential guard settings configured, right click and choose Edit 3. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Device Guard and open the ” Turn on Virtualization Based Security ” setting by double click on it.
4. Change the setting to ” Disabled ” Now let’s download the Windows Defender Device Guard and Windows Defender Credential Guard hardware readiness tool. Extract it and save it to the desktop. Launch PowerShell as an Administrator and browse to the desktop where the DG_Readiness_Tool_vX.X.ps1 is saved. Type the command DG_Readiness_Tool_vX.X.ps1 -Disable -AutoReboot and hit Enter.
Download the Windows Defender Device Guard and Windows Defender Credential Guard hardware readiness tool. Extract it and save it to the desktop. Launch PowerShell as an Administrator and browse to the desktop where the DG_Readiness_Tool_vX.X.ps1 is saved. Type the command DG_Readiness_Tool_vX.X.ps1 -Disable -AutoReboot and hit Enter.
This will disable Device/Credential Guard and reboot the machine. Important: On reboot, there will be a prompt to confirm disabling DG/CG. Hit F3 to confirm (You may have to hit F3 multiple times when prompted).
Refer to this article to disable hypervisor and make vmware/virtualbox run alongside Hyper-V
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